Poker Terms – Explaining the most commonly used Poker terms

Poker Terms

To catch up to the level of professional poker players, new players must begin to familiarize themselves with poker terms. You must have come across those technical terms that always appear in poker materials, or in online poker rooms. Don’t worry if you don’t understand it, W88 has compiled all the most popular poker terminology.

Poker terms for position on the Poker table

Dealer / Button / BTN: These are the most advantageous positions in a table, also known as the dealer. In this position the player has the right to make the final actions in betting rounds (except for the pre-flop round).

Big Blind and Small Blind: These are also known as 2 big blind and small blind positions, which are the next 2 positions to the left of the dealer. The big-blind bet is the lowest limit on the remaining betting rounds.

Under the Gun (UTG): The names of the 2 adjacent positions to the left of the big blind and the small blind. This is the first action position at the preflop round. Next are positions UTG+1, UTG+2, etc.

Cut off / CO: The position to the right of the Dealer, this is before the last action position on the table and is considered the position with the 2nd advantage.

Early Position (EP): In the early action position, or first position of the betting round, the group of players must act before all other players on the table.

Middle Position (MP): The middle position of the table, the sitting position between the end of the table and the top of the table, in this sitting position, players will have more options than Early Position, but do not have the advantage like LP.

Late Position (LP): The position at the end of the table is a group of positions with positional advantages such as Cut off and dealer.

Read more: Poker positions

Poker terminology for the type of poker player

Poker terminology

Tight – who has a tight playing style, only plays strong hands usually 88+, AK, AQ,KQ,JTs.
Loose – open player, less selective of hands, playing many cards.

Ressive – Someone who has an attacking style of play, rarely uses checks or calls, or often Raises continuously.

Passive – passive play, in contrast to aggressive use more check calls.

Tight Aggressive (TAG) – Tight, attacking gameplay. These players often choose the hand to play carefully, when participating in the game, they will raise or bet.

Loose Aggressive (LAG) – Attacking and aggressive gameplay. These players often raise and bet with a lot of hands.

Rock / Nit – Players are very cautious to bet only when there is a very strong hand.

Calling Station – Players always follow their cards to showdown, no matter what hand they hold.

Hit and Run – a quick way to win is to leave the table, leaving the opponent with no chance to retaliate or guess the play.

Poker Glossary of action in poker

Flat call – only call when the hand is strong enough to raise.

Cold call – call when there was a bet and someone else raised. For example: A bets 10$, B raises 25$, C according to the bet, it is called a cold call.

Limp – enter the game by betting (calling) not raising. eg: call blinds pre-flop.

Steal pot, i.e. betting/progress with the expectation that other players will fold.

Squeeze – the act of raising when there was one bet and at least one caller.

Bluff – a lie, scares the opponent into thinking he has a strong hand and then folds.

Poker terms explained about cards on Poker

Community Cards – community cards that everyone can see and can combine with their hand are flipped to the center of the table after betting rounds.

Hand – consists of the player’s best 5 cards obtained by combining the community and hole cards.

Hole Cards / Pocket Cards – are the personal cards of each poker player. Example: In Texas Hold’em, each player is dealt 2 pocket cards.

Trash – odd cards, junk cards, cards with no chance of hitting any ratings.

Conclusion on Poker Terminology

The above article is a summary of the most common terms when playing Poker Online on the reputable W88 house. Just knowing the above poker terms is enough for you to play Poker.

There are also some smaller poker terminology you will encounter as you play and get used to it right away so you don’t need to worry.