How to play Spades card game for beginners (Tested)

Spades card game

Spades is a very popular trick game played by two partnerships. This is an interesting card game that was invented in America in the 1930s and became very popular in the 40s. Learn how to play Spades in the following article from the W88 casino online bookie.

General requirements to start the game Spades

  • Players: 4 players in two partnerships.
  • Deck: Standard deck of 52 cards. High Ace; 2 is low.
  • Goal: Be the first partner to reach 500 points.
  • Setup: Partners sit across from each other. Choose a dealer who will shuffle the deck and deal with each player 13 cards.

How to play Spades card game in detail on W88 online bookie

When participating in this product game W88, players need to understand the Spaces rule and how to play effectively as follows:

Spades card game rules


The player places a bid to the left of the dealer first. Each player looks at his cards and bids, indicating some tricks. Partner bids are added; The amount is the number of tricks that the partnership must win in order to score points.

Any number between 0 and 13 is the legal bid per player. Players may not be allowed to pass. The bid does not have to increase with each player. There is only one bidding round.

Example: Alex’s bid 4. Then Beth bid 3, Charlie bid 2 and David 2. Alex and Charlie need to win at least 6 tricks; Beth and David need to win by at least 5.


A player who bids Nil (zero) declares that he will not win any tricks in his hand. If he succeeds, his partnership will earn 100 bonus points. However, if he wins one or more tricks, his partnership will be penalized 100 points.

If a player bids for Nil and his partner bids on a number, his partner still has to try to win that number of tricks.

Example: Alex bids 4. Charlie, her partner, bids Nil. Charlie will play hands trying not to win any tricks. However, Alex needs to win at least four tricks.

Note: It is legal for partners to both Nil bids.

If both are successful, the partnership earns 200 bonus points. However, if both partners fail, the partnership will be penalized 200 points. If one partner succeeds and the other fails, the bonus and the penalty erase each other; net effect is 0 points.

Double Nil

Before looking at his card, the player can bid Double Nil, also known as Blind Nil. After the Double Nil auction, the player looks at his cards and trades three cards with his mate. If he succeeds, his partnership will earn 200 bonus points. However, if he fails, his partnership will be penalized 200 points.

How to play Spades card game

NOTE: It is legal for partners to bid Double Nil. When this happens, no tokens are exchanged. If both are successful, the partnership earns a 400 point bonus. However, if both partners fail, the partnership will be penalized 400 points. If one partner succeeds and the other fails, the bonus and the penalty erase each other; net effect is 0 points.

Breaking Spades

Spades are broken when a player cannot follow and chooses to play spade. When a player is unable to comply, he may choose to play spades, but is not required.

Note: Spades are also broken if the player has no choice and takes the lead with spades.

Continue play

After scoring, if no partnership reaches 500 points, the player to the left of the dealer becomes the new dealer.


The first partnership to reach 500 points is the winner. If both partnerships reach 500 in the same hand, the partnership with the highest score is the winner. If you have a tie, play another hand.


Spades is a card game that requires players on W88 to have logical thinking and a broad understanding of bidding combinations, as well as reasonable capital management to be able to win. There are still many interesting things about Spades on W88 online bookie. Come play and find out.

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